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An Open Letter to My Baby Sister on Graduation Day

I honestly can't even believe that this day has finally come. In my mind you're still this little 18-year-old about to graduate high school. Now you're getting ready to graduate from college and begin your life in the real world. Haha! That's what they would like you to believe. The truth is that you've been in the real world all your life. Now you just have a lot more responsibilities. You've had people pouring into you your whole life. Now it's up to you to take it, own it, and rock it on your own.

First of all, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. I know schooling isn't your strong suite and learning to work the system has been hard. But your hard work is going to pay off. I'm glad you didn't always listen to me when I said to just do the bare minimum to get by, but that you stuck to your guns to get the grade. You're incredibly honest and hardworking and anybody is going to be crazy blessed to have you on their team.

Figure out what your dream is, set goals, and make steps to reach those goals. Then run like hell to make those dreams a reality. Dreams are hard work, but nothing is more satisfying in this life that to fulfill the desires of your heart. 

I love you and I'm so proud of the woman you're becoming! Happy Graduation Day! 

Your sister,